2023-2025 Leadership Board

Our volunteer leadership board is elected to a two-year term. Officers meet monthly about upcoming activities and conduct our monthly business meetings. If you would like to contact any board member, please email us at bloomingtonalpha@trikappa.org.

Andrea Hadsell, President

Initiated: 2011, 2018 Affiliation with Alpha Chapter

TK brings me closer to the women in my life, past and present, and encourages me to be a better member of our community.

Andrea Cockerham, Vice President

Initiation: 2013

Tri Kappa means sisterhood and friendship. It means working hard together to make our community a better place by recognizing and giving to our young people and non-profits by way of scholarships and high impact grants.

Shelby Rodney , Treasurer

Initiated: 2008, 2019 Affiliation with Alpha Chapter

Tri Kappa is connecting with women to serve our community while creating bonds with each other!

Lisa Carmen, Recording Secretary

Initiated: 2013

Tri Kappa means making diverse and interesting friends while meeting needs in the community.

Angela Colliver, Corresponding Secretary

Initiated: 2015

Tri Kappa brings me opportunities to serve others along side amazing women and by doing so, I bring deep meaning to my life through those I meet and their stories. 

Alayna Gray, Former President & Advisor

Initiated: 2014

Tri Kappa has given me the opportunity to form new friendships, work alongside an amazing group of women and make a positive impact in the Bloomington community and across the state.

Amanda Burnham, Advisor

Amanda Burnham, Advisor


Angie Martin, Chapter Historian and Advisor

Angie Martin, Chapter Historian

Initiated: 1986

Stephanie Oyler, State Level Committee and Advisor

Stephanie Oyler, State Level Council Secretary

Initiated: 2002

Trish Surfus Smith, Advisor

Initiated: 2014