Kendall Theile

Bloomington Alpha’s Kendall Theile joined the chapter right out of high school. And even though she lives in Indianapolis today, she has chosen to stay active with her hometown Tri Kappas.

“There were opportunities that popped up where I could join a different chapter, but for me, personally, staying a part of the Tri Kappa chapter in Bloomington just really gave me that ongoing connection to home,” Kendall says.

The 2013 Bloomington South graduate attended college at Butler University, where she was active in the Alpha Phi sorority. She found a job after college teaching fourth grade at Sycamore Elementary School in the Avon Community School Corp, but has since taught and is currently teaching Kindergarten.

Always active in social causes, Kendall has carried that over into her teaching career: she is Sycamore’s Student Council sponsor; serves as the math and science representative for the fourth grade; is a member of the Safety Committee; and mentors new teachers. She also serves as the vice president/present-elect for the Butler Young Alumni Board and is an assistant coach for the dance team at Btown South.

“I have a hard time saying ‘no’ to anything,” Kendall says.

She even attended the Tri Kappa convention a few years ago and found the experience uplifting.

“It was so exciting to meet and connect with other chapters, seeing other individuals that are passionate about the same organization you’re in,” Kendall says. “It is very motivating.”

A bit closer to home, Kendall says the cookie exchange at Christmas is her favorite Tri Kappa activity.

“I love it because of my own selfish sugar rush,” Kendall laughs.

Kendall shares the Tri Kappa bond with her mom, Beth, and her two younger sisters, Madison and Regan. The sorority means a lot to the Theile women.

“Tri Kappa has a big sisterhood atmosphere,” Kendall says. “It’s been nice not only for me but to see the friendships my mom has made herself.”

Kendall feels that the variety of women who are members of Tri Kappa is one of its greatest strengths.

“This group really provides opportunities for women to give back to the community,” she says. “They’re women who are constantly wanting to do good, pursue challenges, embrace positive change.

“The women involved really add to the experience. I’ve gained knowledge, insight, opinions and perspectives from women of different ages, from different backgrounds, from different lines of study.”

She sums Tri Kappa up quite well.

“Tri Kappa proves that women are a powerhouse, that we mean business,” she says.


   More About Kendall:

  • She is very loyal to TV shows

  • Has an obsession for chips and queso.

  • Was in the band “Rite of Spring” during college

  • Only does crosswords in pen

  • Loves watching movie trailers