Carol Stanton

Carol Stanton is committed to helping other people — her family members, her clients, her Tri Kappa sisters and people in the community at large.

So following her five-year stint on the Bloomington Boys and Girls Club Auxiliary — including a year each as board vice-president and president — Carol knew she would need something to fill her days. But first, she got some “me” time!

“I went shopping!” Carol laughs. “But that’s not sustainable. After that, I needed to do something where I’m committing my time to helping.

“(My husband) Brent says that I’m the volunteer of the family.”

In fact, Carol often recruits her husband and children to help with her philanthropic endeavors.

When Beth Theile asked Carol to join Tri Kappa, Carol knew she had found the perfect way to spend her free time.

Carol grew up in the Chicago area and attended Wheaton Christian High School. Following her training years at cosmetology school, Carol followed her family to Bloomington and soon met her future husband. They have four grown children. Today, her mother lives with the Stantons and the kids and their significant others are in and out of the house.

Carol says there are many reasons she likes being a Tri Kappa sister, but her passion is the Grants Committee.

“With the Grants Committee, it’s like knowing that your hard work is for something. You’re helping somebody (in a huge way),” Carol says.

“I love all the different avenues (of philanthropy) that Tri Kappa has.”

While Carol is proud of what Tri Kappa does for the community, she also appreciates what is means to be part of a sorority.

“I love being with the other ladies,” Carol says, “interacting, doing stuff together. Although sometimes I hate the thought of getting ready to attend a meeting, I’m always glad I came!”


   More About Carol:

  • Youngest of seven children

  • Hates winter weather

  • Loves cruises

  • Considers her husband and kids her best friends

  • Enjoys planning events and parties