Amy Mooney

“I love Dirty Santa. I love Cheeseball Day. I love Blingo!,”says Amy Mooney. “I love all the things we do as Tri Kappas!”

Getting to know Andrea Cockerham through their children’s sports activities was Amy’s ticket into the sorority.

“Andrea and I met, oh, my gosh, I don’t know if hockey came first or baseball came first!” Amy laughs. “During Andrea’s first year in Tri Kappa, she said, ‘You would really like Tri Kappa. You should think about joining.’ ”

So she did.

Amy met her future husband, Mike, in their hometown of Evansville. He was not quite the boy next door, though. He and his sister, Cathy, who was Amy’s best friend, lived right across the street.

“Back then, I wanted nothing to do with him,” Amy says. “He was three grades older!”

They both attended the University of Evansville and had a date while in college.

“I was like, ‘Ewwww,’ ” Amy laughs. “He’s too much like a brother.”

Following graduation, Amy worked for what eventually became Macy’s in several spots throughout Indiana, while Mike was an electrical engineer in Indianapolis. After getting reacquainted via Cathy, they finally started dating. They eventually moved to Bloomington for Mike’s job and now have three children, Patrick, Ryan and Erin.

After volunteering at St. Charles School while her children were younger, Amy became a teaching assistant for grades three through five in 2013.

“I thought I might as well get paid for what I was doing,” Amy says.

She has shared her love of Tri Kappa with friends Angela Santarossa and Rebecca Kershner, whose names she put up for membership.

“I enjoy everything about Tri Kappa really,” Amy says. “There’s nothing that I don’t enjoy.

“It’s a time for me to get out and do something for me. I enjoy having a night out and being with ladies I enjoy and respect and have a good time with.”


   More About Amy:

  • Was a disc jockey and pom-pom girl during college

  • Is addicted to Bath and Body Works lip gloss

  • Watches really bad reality shows

  • Doesn’t drink coffee or tea – or beer!

  • Loves to garden